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Simplifying Exponential and Logarithmic Expressions

Lesson Plan

Simplifying Exponential and Logarithmic Expressions


In this lesson, students will simplify and evaluate exponential and logarithmic expressions. Students will:

  1. understand the properties of exponents and logarithms.
  2. evaluate exponential and logarithmic expressions without a calculator. [IS.4 - Struggling Learners]

Essential Questions

  1. How can we determine if a real-world situation should be represented by a quadratic, polynomial, or exponential function?
  2. How do you explain the benefits of multiple methods of representing exponential functions (tables, graphs, equations, and contextual situations)?


  1. Common logarithm: A logarithm in base 10; if a = 10x, then log a = x.
  2. Exponential equation: An equation in the form of y=ax; an equation in which the unknown occurs in an exponent, for example, 9(x + 1) = 243. [IS.1 - Struggling Learners]
  3. Exponential Expression: An algebraic expression, involving an exponent; if
    a = bx, then logb a =x [IS.2 - Struggling Learners]
  4. Logarithmic equation: An equation in the form of y=logax, where x=ay; the inverse of an exponential equation; an equation containing the logarithm of the unknown, for example, log x + 2log 2x + 4 = 0.
  5. Logarithmic Expression: The inverse of an exponential expression. [IS.3 - Struggling Learners]


120–180 minutes/1–2 class periods [IS.5 - All Students]

Prerequisite Skills

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  1. a map of the school’s neighborhood
  2. calculators
  3. Matching Worksheet (M-A2-4-1_Matching Worksheet and KEY.docx)
  4. Properties of Exponents and Logarithms Notesheet (M-A2-4-1_Exponents and Logarithms Notesheet and KEY.docx)
  5. Properties Puzzle (M-A2-4-1_Properties Puzzle.docx)
  6. Simplifying-Evaluating Worksheet (M-A2-4-1_Simplifying-Evaluating Worksheet.docx)
  7. Lesson 1 Exit Ticket (M-A2-4-1_Lesson 1 Exit Ticket and KEY.docx)

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Formative Assessment

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    1. The Think-Pair-Share activity (Part 1) requires students to connect representations of bases and exponents to their corresponding logarithmic expression. Accurate matches indicate that students have understood the relationships between exponents, bases, and logarithms. [IS.8 - Struggling Learners]
    2. Student performance on the Lesson 1 Exit Ticket will indicate the degree to which they are able to represent logarithms appropriately. Use student errors to highlight misunderstood parts of the lesson.

Suggested Instructional Supports

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    Scaffolding, Active Engagement, Explicit Instruction

    Students will be learning how to simplify exponential and logarithmic expressions. They are learning this in order to solve exponential and logarithmic equations. They will be evaluated through observation, exit tickets, and an assessment.


    Students will be interested in today’s lesson after discussing shortcuts. Our society is all about saving time and efficiency, so students will understand why they are learning today’s topic.


    Students will work in pairs today as well as on their own. They will be able to put together a puzzle that illustrates the exponential and logarithmic properties.


    Students will be able to reflect and revisit the problems they do during the class review. Students will then take that information and revise their thought-processes on the next task. You will be walking around while students are working and give them feedback throughout this time.


    Students will be able to evaluate themselves when they check their work with a partner. Their peers might be able to give them some more insight on their understanding.


    This lesson is tailored to collaboration, in which students are grouped at similar ability levels or different ability levels. The properties puzzle and the riddle in the Simplifying and Evaluating Worksheet are designed to use some of the strengths of kinesthetic learner and to provide additional motivation for all students. There is also an extension problem for students who need more practice or for students who work quicker than their peers.


    This lesson has four parts and each part has either individual work or partner work. Go over each problem and discuss the problems as a class. The discussions will transition the class from activity to activity.


    IS.1 - Struggling Learners

    Consider the following steps with regard to vocabulary for struggling learners:

    1. Use of a graphic organizer (e.g., Frayer Model, Verbal Visual Word Association, Concept Circles).
    2. Introduce new vocabulary using student friendly definitions and examples and non-examples.
    3. Review words with students.
    Provide opportunities for students to apply the new/reviewed terms. 
    IS.2 - Struggling Learners
    Consider reviewing the differences between equations and expressions for struggling learners.  Can provide them with a graphic organizer depicting examples of each such as a Concept map.  
    IS.3 - Struggling Learners
    Consider reviewing this term and providing examples for struggling learners.  
    IS.4 - Struggling Learners
    Consider providing struggling learners with examples and modeling them.  
    IS.5 - All Students
    Consider pre-teaching the concepts critical to the lesson.  Use formative assessments throughout the lesson to determine the level of student understanding.  Use follow-up reinforcement as necessary.  
    IS.6 - Struggling Learners
    Consider providing struggling students with more student friendly language and demonstrating as you are talking.  Struggling learners may get lost in all the verbiage.  
    IS.7 - Struggling Learners
    Consider modeling this for your struggling learners.  
    IS.8 - Struggling Learners
    Consider using other forms of formative assessment for your struggling learners such as allowing them to verbalize their understanding.  Struggling learners may need this reinforced .  

Instructional Procedures

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    Begin the lesson by showing a map of the school’s neighborhood with two paths going “toward any randomly chosen location.” One path should be a short route and one path should be a long route.

    How many of you would choose to go home using path A?” (students raise hands)

    How many of you would choose to go home using path B?” (students raise hands)

    Why did you choose that path? What elements did you take into consideration?” (students who pick path A will probably say that it’s quicker)

    We like saving time and doing things in a more efficient way. Today we are going to learn how to simplify expressions so that we save time in solving exponential and logarithmic equations. Why do we use exponents?”

    Hopefully students recall that exponents are used to summarize repetitive multiplication.

    Recall that 2×2×2 is the same as 23. A logarithm is also a type of exponent. It is the exponent needed to raise a number to get to another number. Using 23 = 8, we say base of two raised to the third power. The logarithm is 3 and the base is 2.”

    We can rewrite the expression as 3 = log2 8. 3 is the logarithm, base 2, of 8. So 23 = 8 and 3 = log2 8 are equivalent expressions. Remember when we write a log without a base, it is base ten. That means log 100000 = 5 is the same as log10 100000 = 5. Not including 10 as the base is similar to writing x and understanding that it is really x1 (x to the first power).”

    Let’s look at this a bit more formally. For an exponential function in the form a=bx, then logba=x. Here are a couple examples.” Write the following on the board: [IS.6 - Struggling Learners]

    If 9=32, then log39 = 2.

    If 133=127, then log13127 = 3.
    Similarly, if 10–4 =  (1/10000), then log 0.0001 = –4.

    Part 1

    Activity 1 Hand out the Matching Worksheet (M-A2-4-1_Matching Worksheet and KEY.docx). Students should work on it by themselves for a few minutes and then they can pair up. They can use their calculators. [IS.7 - Struggling Learners]


    Review the Matching Worksheet with students and then fill out the Properties of Exponents and Logarithms Notesheet (M-A2-4-1_Exponents and Logarithms Notesheet and KEY.docx).

    Activity 2

    After students have matched up the expressions, they should use the bottom of the worksheet to try to explain two of their matches. They should explain how they know that their matches are equivalent. They may have some difficulty with this part, but give them some think-time.

    Activity 3

    In partners, have students put together the Properties Puzzle (M-A2-4-1_Properties Puzzle.docx). Make copies of the page and then cut it up into the squares.

    Part 2

    Activity 4

    When students have successfully put the puzzle together, give them a copy of the Simplifying-Evaluating Worksheet (M-A2-4-1_Simplifying-Evaluating Worksheet.docx). They should be able to complete this worksheet without a calculator.

    Activity 5

    Hand out the Lesson 1 Exit Ticket (M-A2-4-1_Lesson 1 Exit Ticket and KEY.docx) to evaluate whether students understand the concepts. For students who are having difficulty, use . They can take this short quiz to see how well they understand negative and zero exponents.


    1. In pairs, students write an expression and their partner has to write the equivalent expression or the simplified expression.

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